Social media interferes in our independent thinking and sometimes kills original thoughts. Fake and unverified information create wrong impression on the thought process of common man, which is ultimately dangerous for a democratic society. There should be a legislation to discourage fake or fabricated news and punishment or penalty should be imposed by specific legislation enacted by parliament in this behalf because law being instrument of social engineering may plays vital role to curb down circulation of unverified and fake news. The legislation must create strict liability of the person who is originating or circulating/forwarding fake or unverified news in order to deter those people who forward any message negligently or recklessly. Freedom of speech and expression does not extend to create or forward fake news in irresponsible manner. Freedom of speech and expression does not permits anyone to circulate unverified news because it may creates rumors, dissatisfaction and discontentment amongst common man which may ultimately dangerous to society and Nation, therefore, there is dire need of a legislation to prevent and regulate a circulation of information which are fake.