The article presents the main data on the results of the analysis of the state of production of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in Kazakhstan, identification of problems of localization of production and justification of promising directions for their solution.
The study is classified as a desk study: secondary information of open access statistical data was collected and processed. The study used comparative methods, quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis, which made it possible to conduct a brief analysis of the technological cycle of UAV production at the national and international levels, to reveal some of the interrelationships of the influence of the current state of a number of sectors of the economy on the possibilities of localization of production of these products in Kazakhstan.
The originality/value of the study lies in identifying missing links in the UAV production cycle and justifying the integration of individual subsystems into a single whole for maximum localization of this production in Kazakhstan, which will ensure support for the priority sector of the economy as one of the leaders of the new technological order.
The results of the study – conclusions on the state of the UAV production industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan have been formed, structural constraints of the economy have been identified, which must be taken into account when localizing UAV production in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The most problematic sectors of this industry in Kazakhstan have been identified in terms of dependence on import supplies. Priority options for localization of UAV production in the context of increasing geopolitical risks and transformation of global value chains are formulated. The key aspects of the transformation of the UAV industry in Kazakhstan, which has the potential to reduce import dependence and increase attractiveness to foreign investors, are highlighted. The role of digital solutions in the implementation of import substitution policy is substantiated.
The practical significance of the study. Kazakhstan is adapting the accumulated world experience in the formation of an import substitution policy in the localization of UAV production. This example may be useful for other sectors of the economy of both Kazakhstan and other countries with economies in transition, striving to increase self-sufficiency and competitiveness of the real sector of the economy, expanding their presence in international markets.
The scientific article was published as part of the implementation of the scientific and technical program of program-targeted financing for 2022-2024 IRN No.BR185068/0222 "Development and creation of a prototype of a high-security combat strike unmanned aerial vehicle with high-precision ammunition" (the study is funded by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan).